
Lost Without You



7 Years

12-13-2016, 10:01 PM

She'd not seen Lark sine the day she got reaccepted into Abaven. Hell, she hadn't seen anyone. To be fair, she'd been extremely busy and had been scoping out her den, cleaning it out, and making it comfy again. Thankfully, with a den in rocks, it was much more simple to deal with than say... a den in the tree roots. Of course, Farrym much preferred the warmth of the earth, but he understood the difficulties with the snow. Then again, Farrym would be cold regardless; he just wasn't made for the cold temperatures. He survived the last winter, though, and this winter was much less severe, so while Lillie held sympathy for the little cat, she told him that he could just sleep on top of her for warmth. Which he would.

Now, though, with the den completely fixed up, Lillianna found herself wandering towards one of Abaven's many other lands, hoping to spy a certain tall figure whom she was afraid would not accept her again. She swallowed hard; she was so conflicted about going to find Lark. Should she? Should she not? She cared so much for him - and yet, this happened. She didn't know how to deal with it, or how to fix it. He'd not sought her out, but he didn't even approach her when she returned... so she wasn't surprised.

Still, she found herself near his den, and she paused nervously. Was he there? Would he even want to associate with her? Would he forgive her? What would she say? What could she say? What could she do? All of sudden, she wanted to turn back and go back to her den and get away from this, but she knew that she was already there, and that Lark already likely noticed her presence if he was nearby. Green eyes scanned around, though she couldn't see if he was in his den due to the angle she stood at. "Lark?" Inwardly, she cringed at the sound of her voice. It sounded so weak, so uncertain. And who knew if she'd actually get a response, though she felt she would.

"Speech" "Italian" "Farrym"