
It's comical really



6 Years

12-14-2016, 12:53 AM

She walked through the snow-laden woods, most of the bare branches weighed down with snow. There was a whisper of more snow on the way, making the gypsy shiver. It would be awhile before all of it disappeared and she could get back to exploring once more. But could she really, now that she had agreed to help out Xephyris? A longing sigh left her lips as she brushed against the trunks of one of the oak trees, wishing to clamber up like she had the season before. But nope, snow and ice would make it far too dangerous for the clumsy woman to even attempt doing so. Instead she made her way through the seemingly never ending forest, trying to keep herself light hearted about all of this. It wasn't anyone's fault but her own, she had been the one to agree to all of this. Besides, she owed her silver knight. He'd done so much for her without asking for anything in return, something she was forever grateful for. Jaelle's tail swung behind her as she thought, her bells forever announcing her arrival.

Just as she was about to turn and head home, a familiar scent reaching her nose. Curious, the gray woman moves towards him, just in time to see him face plant right in the snow. Letting out a giggle, she stopped where she stood, her head tilting to her left. "And I thought I was the clumsy one," she said softly, her tail swishing behind her. With a huff she gracefully folded herself down, a flurry of flakes kicking up as she sat her butt in the snow. They rained down on her coat, but she hardly noticed it at all. Her coat had grown thicker in her time in the north, something she was glad for. She would be freezing her butt off otherwise, but her scarf did offer a bit more help. Wiggling, she tucked her nose into the fabric and breathed in, the scent of pine needles flooding her senses. Glancing at Riv with her blue and brown eyes, she offered a smile that was half hidden in her scarf.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.