
Make me feel this way



9 Years
12-14-2016, 01:37 AM

Xeph noticed the way that the younger man stopped in his tracks just momentarily, as though somewhat disturbed by the name he'd shared. Did Limno's name ring a bell? If so, was it something of concern? From Riv's reaction, it appeared like there might be more to the woman than he had originally thought. After all, she had seemed so needy at the time he'd met her, he'd been sure she needed someone to care for her. To him, it seemed odd that she was missing, somewhat suspicious. He assumed that perhaps something had happened to her, or someone else was involved in her disappearance. Currently, he still believed such. Why would any woman leave such young pups without any notice? However, now was not the time to ask questions, as his girls came bounding up to meet Rivaxorus - they seemed curious about him too, and it was almost as though they noticed the resemblance immediately. So, perhaps his suspicions were correct after all. It was a sweet interaction to watch, and the normally stoic man felt his heart melting just a bit - okay, maybe more than just a bit. His daughters were precious to him, and he'd always had a soft spot for Riv, too. Seeing them get together in such a way was touching in a way he hadn't expected.

After Memphis and Saffron had introduced themselves and spoken to Riv briefly, Xeph stepped to the side with the man, the girls going back to tumbling about together. His brows furrowed, his expression hardening as Riv told him what he knew about Limno. He listened carefully, a cold fury raging through his veins. His tail twitched as the younger man finished his words. So, Limno was a deceptive, manipulative wolf then... he clenched his teeth together as he attempted to control his anger. Rather than a furious outburst, Xephyris' fury would come out in an icy cold string of words. "So, she thinks she can just keep getting away with this, does she?" he rumbled in the lowest of tones, "I bet she goes running back to those two males when she's gotten herself in trouble... well she's got another thing coming. I'll be the last wolf she ever crosses."

Silvery, blue-speckled eyes glanced to his innocent daughters. They didn't deserve this, to be abandoned by their mother so carelessly. And after all that he had offered that woman... he could barely contain his rage. He had given her a home, high rank, respect and power, and provided for her when he had hardly known her. This was how she repaid him. By leaving him with pups without so much as a word when he was a busy man although he loved his girls so very much, and felt most infuriated on their behalf. How dare Limno do this to them? "I won't let her anywhere near my girls," he growled, claws digging into the black sand, "Riv, do you have any clues as to where she might be? I need to find her, so I can settle this once and for all. She may be the mother of my pups, but if she is so content to leave us like this, then she's of no use to us, and she will not go unpunished." The underlying tone of fury was evident in his voice, and he could only hope the Riv would help him if it was possible.

"Talk" "You" Think
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