
By the next morning



9 Years
Athena I
12-14-2016, 11:08 PM

Quelt had his complete and undivided attention as the man began to speak. His wounds were so severe. Leo knew before Quelt even said it aloud that he wasn't going to make it. He hadn't gone over to check on Bright Moon yet, but he was sure she was already gone. He quietly nodded to each of Quelt's requests. He could have told the man to be quiet and tried to stop his bleeding and called for Amalia, but he knew it was already too late. If he had done all of that he would have robbed this man from telling him his last wishes. None of his requests were things that he wouldn't have done already. His first thought had been of their children and he knew the pack would help care for them. He would see to it. He hadn't known about his family in Abaven, but he would be sure to go see Bass as soon as this was taken care of to tell him.

Moments later Quelt stilled and guilt swallowed Leo. His idea of his pack being perfectly safe just wasn't true. He had failed here today. Now two of his pack members were dead. It took him a moment to register what Lionel was doing as he frantically tried to cover Quelt's wound. Leo's heart broke, his head shaking no to his son gently. "It's too late, son, he was too far gone." He gently nudged Lionel's shoulder to get him off of Quelt, turning his gaze away from the man's body. That's when he noticed one of the pups, Gentle Night he thought, behind him asking for someone to tell her what was going on. Oh how he had hoped to get to the pups before they made it here.

Amalia came up beside Night and he sighed. He knew Amalia would take this hard as well, but there was nothing that could have been done. If he had believed there was even a possibility he would have called for her. He appreciated his sister taking charge for a moment, directing Lionel and offering her den to Night. Soon enough he saw another pup follow in behind their sister. Bluemoon wasn't here that he could see, but he would go look for him later. He nodded to Amalia's direction to take them to her den, quickly moving his body to block the pup's view of their parents. "Lionel, if you'll go to Amalia's herb den to fetch some lavender, I'll take them to Amalia and Athena's den. I'll meet you there." Before he turned to leave he looked to Amalia, remembering one of Quelt's requests. "Amalia, Quelt told me to tell you thank you... for your kindness." He couldn't say exactly what for, but he wanted to be sure to pass along the message.

He looked to Night and Star then, his ears flicking back while he tried to calm his own emotions. Amalia was right, they needed a leader and him being upset wasn't going to help them. "Come on, guys, come with me. Just focus on me, okay? Don't look back." He started leading them toward Amalia's den, speaking as gently as he could. "Your dad... He was a very, very brave man. He helped protect the pack from a bear. A reeeeeally big bear. Your momma did too. They loved all of you so, so much, okay? Just remember that and how much they cared for you."

- exit with the pups to Amathena's den -

"Talk" "You" Think