
A Break In This Storm



3 Years
12-15-2016, 07:48 PM
Chanel Valintine

Being in makeshift dens was something new to the young woman, seeing as she had been a part of a pack all her life up until recently. Her purple eyes scanned the small den, wondering what stories lay within it's walls. Who lived here? Where were they now? She wondered if it was just a loners den back in the day, or perhaps a family lived here. A mother and her pups, either a present or absent father. Whatever the story, it clearly didn't have a happy ending, for the owners of this den were long gone, their home taken over by the large male and herself. She didn't mind the close distance between the two however, her mind too consumed by business than anything else.

Quite, it's been a terrible year so far. But anyways, what brings you to Abaven's borders? I am Bass Destruction, Primo, or Alpha, of this pack. So he was the alpha after all. The sudden realization made the female feel smaller, intimidated by the high ranking wolf. She tried to shake it off though, coming off weak wouldn't make a great first impression. "Sorry to call you out in this storm then, Primo. My name is Chanel Frostbite. I come seeking to pledge loyalty to this pack." Her words were strong, as she wanted to be seen as a wolf who could handle herself, despite her size.

The storm continued to roar outside the den, but the drumming of the rain was muffled underground. The last of the water was dripping off her silky coat and into the puddles forming on the ground under her. She felt guilty for making the alpha come out during this storm, if only she had waited till it passed. As the droplets clicked with the water, Chanel thought about how to better her image in the eyes of the wolf who would determine what course her life took next.

She could talk about how serious she was about rules, back at home they had rule enforcers, perhaps this pack did too. Or she could mention her skills at hunting, she was quite good at hunting small prey as a loner, and had experience taking down larger prey with a group. Or maybe she could offer to teach, they had teachers in her pack for the young ones so that the mothers and fathers could attend to their duties. She would wait for Bass however, not wanting to jump to conclusions.

She didn't even know if he was looking to accept new members.

.Family Doesn't End With Blood.