
Explorin's and Stuffs! [Chrysanthe]


06-22-2013, 11:30 AM

Gabriel was full of energy and innocent curiosity! he hadn't meant to careen head first into the icy bite of the river! It just sorta happened! Santhy had saved him though! maybe he would just have to explore the river when it wasn't being so mean! Stupid river. He leaned against the long pillars that his sister called her legs, she was so much taller than he was! He didn't wanna be that tall though, he liked gliding underneath everybody, it was fun to see how long he could go without being noticed! He almost giggled to himself at the thought.

Gabriel groaned as the elder gave him the same lecture his mama always did, nobody understood! He couldn't go explorin' with his siblings, all they wanted to do was wrestle and tackle him and Gabriel hated... hated, hated, hated, getting dirty. He didn't see it having any point, there was no rhyme or reason for it. He liked studying things, watching, it never bothered him to watch his family, it just upset him when they teased him about it, he didn't tease them about wanting to be dirty, and so the boy explored, it was just easier that way.

"I don't like explorin' with my siblings all they wanna do is get me dirty." Gabriel grunted, two toned eyes shifting to the sides, "And mama and dada have their hands full with everybody else, I don't usually hurt fall in the river when I go explorin Santhy!" Gabriel giggled happily batting at her slightly with a tiny paw.