
Maybe no one told you...



8 Years
12-16-2016, 12:18 AM
There is strength in your tears !!

It was startling to hear another voice ring out from the mists, after so long of traveling alone, Star had become accustomed to being the only voice around. So when the beautiful female greeted her, she was met with a jump and a soft yelp as Star scurried for cover behind the carcass. Looking up the grassy incline to where the female was standing, Star peeked up around the deer to try and spot an escape route should she need one. Eyeing an old deer path that would take her back around the small hill the other wolf was standing on, to lead her back toward the plains. Her light jade eyes move back to the multi-hued woman on the hill, a small embarrassed sound that was something akin to a laugh escaped her. Long, thin looking legs carried her airy frame back to face the shorter, but sturdier, femme.

Ducking her delicate head, the young healer gave a small smile and spoke as soft as the breeze around her.  "Forgive me, I did not hear your approach. Good morning to you as well." A wave of her tail and the young girl looked back at the herbs the deer had grown.  "Do you think you could help me gather some of these plants? I have only just arrived here and want to be prepared. I can teach you about them if you like, they aren't hard to learn. My mother taught me, and I would love to show you!" Taking in the large trees around the woman as she spoke, Star waved her tail happily, as if she could banish the mists with the power of her happiness at having someone to talk to.

She moved then to look at the flowerless plants, saddened that she would only be able to tell the woman about their leaves and roots, rather than their pretty blooms. Still, she was happy to have company. Star looked around once more, noting the beauty in her surroundings as she waited for the other wolf to assist her - assuming that she would get help. The deep greens of the grass and moss were lovely, but the hills that were outlined by dark grey against silver gave a most stunning backdrop to the moor.

female - 3 yrs - 36 inches - no mate - no home

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!