
Offering a Smiling Phrase



6 Years

12-16-2016, 03:52 PM (This post was last modified: 12-16-2016, 03:53 PM by Jaelle.)
*Navigation - The Wall

Once again the splotchy woman found herself on the move, her ears back as she slipped out of pack lands. She just couldn't take it anymore, she was trying very hard to stay in one place but pacing just wasn't good enough today. If she didn't get out now she would go crazy, so as soon as she reached the breast of the cove she took off in a sprint. Giet was hot on her trail, moving from paw step to paw step that she was making. A carefree laugh left her maw as she ran with the wind, her bells call almost drowned out by the rushing in her ears. She had no idea where she was going, and she didn't care to know. Out was all she wanted, and now she had it. Goat the stoat called something out to her but she didn't stop, running until she couldn't run anymore. Her breath puffed into white clouds before her as she stood still for a moment, her legs quivering with the strain. Jaelle didn't seem to notice it though, a goofy grin on her face as she plopped down to her rump to catch her breath. She took this time to look around her, trying to figure out just how far she had come. It didn't take too long for her to see a huge icy wall expanding as far as she could see. Ears perking, she rose to her paws and made her way to it, her eyes wide in wonder. She hadn't seen anything like this before! It seemed to extend for miles, the only thing out here that she could even pick out. Everything else was so barren around her, save for this wall.

Jae was nearly breathless, but it wasn't just from running. She rose her paw to rest it on the surface, the ice was so thick that she couldn't see through it. But was it all ice, or was there rock under it? Was it just like this in the winter, only to melt away in the summer, or did it expose stone underneath? So many questions raced through her mind as she sat before the great wall. The need to explore it further took over, but before she could move she heard a growl from behind as sharp teeth bit into her tail. Yelping, she spun around to see Goat the stoat standing there, irritation plain on his white face.

"An' what do you think yur doing, mmm? You ran so damn fast I could hardly keep up with you! I didn't even wanna stay with you bu' I don't really have a choice!" The weasel barked at her.

She just patted him on the head, pushing his elongated body farther into the snow. "There there, little one. You survived. Why don't you smile for once?" she asked, peeking at her tail. There were little beads of blood on the surface, but one lick cleaned that up. Ignoring him, she turned back to the wall, pretending not to hear his series of rattling growls and squeaks.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.