
I just wanna break this crown

Rœkia T


4 Years
12-17-2016, 03:02 PM

"Wolf!  Dammit, why the hell am I still in the north?"  She growled at her magpie companion who was taking her on yet another roadtrip to the north in the middle of the freaking winter.  After their adventure to the cauldron she had wanted to head back down to the warmth of the south where she could tend to her herb gathering and try out a few new poisons in relative peace and comfort but no… here she was… freezing her ass off.

"Trust me Rœ, this trip will be worth it.  This place is full of all kinds of strange things, I'm sure you'll find something useful."  Rœkia scowled as she shifted the pack on her back that was normally used for carrying herbs.  As of yet she had found nothing of use to take back with her to the south and she had to admit the idea of getting at least something out of this trip was extremely tempting. "Ok, you get once chance and then I am out of here."  Wolf flew down and landed between her shoulder blades as they crested a hill to peer out at the metal monstrosity frozen in the bay.  Rœkia's eyes narrowed at the suspicious looking mass.  "Wolf, what am I looking at?"

"I think its a cave, a cave that echoes, a metal cave of straight lines."

"Sounds like a death trap to me…"  Yet, despite her misgivings she strode boldly toward the ship.  One didn't come across such oddities everyday and she was certain there had to be a pay off.  As much as she clashed with her companion she believed him when he said there were treasures to be found here and she wasn't going to leave until she found them.  

Stepping into the cave Rœkia took care of the scents that lay scattered about the ship.  Someone had been here recently and might even still be here.  She hesitated.  Maybe she could just wait til they were gone.  Nah… she scented no pack borders.  She had as much of a right to be here as anyone else and so she slipped inside and got to work.  

Slipping through the halls she spied row after row of strange jars and items and her eyes widened a grin spreading across her face at the jars. "These… are perfect!  Finally I have something to put that dam frog in."  She saw Wolf shudder at the little poisonous creature they'd collected in the Glowshroom Caverns.  Seizing the jars she quickly stuffed them in her bag.  "Ok Wolf… I admit it, this was a good idea."  She turned into a new hallway intent on exploring the ship when a nearby voice yelled loudly.  For a second she thought it was talking to her but no one came out into the hall.  Hmmm….  Rœkia rounded the corner and peered into the room with a cheeky grin on her face.  "Howdy, neighbor.  Could I trouble you for a cup of sugar?"

"Talk" Wolf Think