
Cure of a no heart


06-22-2013, 12:43 PM

Since his wife having taken over the throne, thing in Tortuga had settled more or less. The agitation throughout the members had basically dissipated since they had apparently come to terms with the fact that Desdemoma had won her battle with Kaien, fair and square and this was the way that things were going to be now. He honestly had no problem with his wife being queen now. If she wanted to be the one to lead Tortuga in the right direction and bring into prosperity, then he would be right there beside her, doing everything in his power to support her. But if he was being honest with himself, he would've preferred if she wasn't queen. Since having ascended, she was always busy with pack business. Needing to talk to this alpha, making a treaty with this pack, it went on and on. There were a few times that she was able to stay home with him, comfortable in their den, and they would be able to just enjoy each other's company. But those times were few and far between now. He wasn't complaining. He was far from that, having already come to terms with her new title, but still he wished that things had remained like they had been during Kaien's rule. Just him and her, two members of a pack, trying to start their own family together. Nothing more and nothing less.

Not one to sit around idly and do nothing, the ivory knight moved through his home territory, trying to find something to do. He held no high rank, therefore no duties belonged to him. And yet despite having so much time on his paws, he didn't know a single member of his pack. It was sad really. Anyone who knew that would think that he was some kind of insecure social outcast that didn't like the rest of the population and preferred to be alone all the time. He was far from that though. The truth was that he preferred being around Desdemona more than anyone else. She was his wife and soul mate after all, how could he not want to be around her all the time. But she was busy now with alpha related affairs, leaving him to his own devices most of the time. Like now, simply wandering through Tortuga. A cool breeze rustled in, throwing his pale fur in a million directions as well as bringing a new scent to his attention. It was male and it smelled of Tortuga. A pack member, one he obviously had never met before. This was his chance to begin to meet his extended family.

Powerful limbs carried the ivory knight through the territory easily enough, mismatched gems coming across the smaller frame of the brute before him. Limbs came to a halt, gaze intent on the brute as he studied him. He seemed rather lost, as if not knowing where to go or what to do. He could definitely relate at the moment. Do you need some help? He called out to his fellow pack brother, plume wagging gently behind powerful haunches as he waited to see what the man would say.

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