
Ladies And Gentlemen Take My Advice... [Pack Sledding!]



4 Years
Extra large
12-17-2016, 03:48 PM

Karabela hummed to herself as she fussed over the pelts. She had no idea how her pack would take this idea and if it would hurt her image at all. Pfft! Yea, her image as what? She was a dangerous woman in her own right and if others wanted to picture her as all sunshine and silliness she was fine with being underestimated. Though she supposed it wasn't really kosher for an alpha to summon her pack for sledding of all things. Either way the Chieftain was intent to do what she wanted when she wanted and she hoped that the other members of Ivory Ridge could see the value in breaking from a hard winters day of work for a bit of fun. Birna was the first to arrive and Karabela simply answered her question with a mischievous grin. "You'll see!"

Qualm was the next to arrive and she got a thrill out of his curiosity. Oh she couldn't wait to surprise everyone! Tonrar was next, serious and quiet followed by Nah who was growing up quite quickly. Karabela needed to make sure to introduce Birna to Nah so the girl could begin her battle training but that could wait for another day. Delaney was next. My what a quiet-

Raba's thoughts didn't get any further as her niece came barreling into the gathering with a rabbit hanging from her jaws, slipped on the ice and crashed right into Birna sending them both flailing down the slope. Karabela let out a roar of laughter and their misfortunate. "Hey! No fair getting a head start." She waited patiently until Birna and Dagmær returned back up the slope.

"Thanks for coming everyone! You've all been working so hard to keep the pack going during the winter that I thought we deserved a bit of fun so I've been scouting about until I found us the perfect sledding slope! You can slide down on your belly or backside, as Birna and Dag so graciously demonstrated, or you can slide down on of the pelts. I also grabbed some tree bark. Not sure how well it will work but it's worth a shot. If anyone has a game they want to play just let me know. Tally ho!"

Seizing a partial deer hide Karabela flung herself on it and hurled herself down the slope on her belly. The wind rushed past her face and she felt like a kid again. Oh boy, the only thing they needed now was a ramp!


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king