
The world is a vampire


12-17-2016, 04:43 PM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2016, 12:32 AM by Leo.)

She didn't miss the glare that Mercy gave her when she called Gethin her toy, but Ira didn't really care. If anything it just made her smirk get even more devious. She was feeding off of Gethin's irritation at her, his glares and growls. He was oh so deliciously possessive. The pleased growl that Mercy gave her sent a small shiver from the top of her spine down to the top of her tail. Not only did Gethin hate her moving in on his woman, but Mercy was encouraging her. Oh this was all so interesting and entertaining.

She watched as Mercy turned her back on Gethin, her tail flicking to obviously tease the gray man. Mercy could tease him all she wated as long as she still kept getting all this attention. A soft, pleased growl left her as Mercy nibbled on her jaw and her ears flicked forward to drink in the larger woman's moan. This was so fucking delicious. Ira chuckled and tipped her muzzle up to lightly bite along the edge of Mercy's jaw, remembering how the woman liked things a little more rough. She didn't quite break the skin with her teasing, but it was certainly enough to give a pretty serious pinch. She glanced over Mercy's shoulder at the man, a sly grin crossing her muzzle. "I think you might have gotten someone's attention," she whispered against Mercy's cheek while she pressed her nose into Mercy's fur and breathed in her intoxicating scent.

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