
Rise to power.

White Tooth

12-18-2016, 04:59 PM
Winter, Year 8

It seemed to me that I had stumbled upon an Orchard, judging by the fact that the grass below me was littered with various fruits. They smelled good, well at least a few of them. It was a simple fact that some of them were rotting, however, why not treat myself to a plum or two. Grabbing one I enjoyed the sweet fruit, indulging myself in the juice that flowed from the ripe fruit. It seemed though that there was another near by myself, my nose rose regally into the air sniffing trying to find the source. I was, after all, the Stag King. There was no one here that I had come into contact yet that could even come close to measuring up towards my own stature, I had been quite content with my lone habits really. It was nice, but yet a part of me longed for that familiar sensation of control. The crown upon my head, slaves beneath my rule they were. All of them, except the ones I chose to keep close to myself. "In order of my rule upon all, show yourself to me. Or else you will face my tooth and nail, you are in the presence of the Stag King. The one and only. The one being whom wreaks havoc upon many, both deer and wolf included."Whomever this was hopefully they would submit themselves to me, that was if they had any brains. I would take out who ever stood in my way, my wrath would reign down upon the disorderly like that of my father. I knew one thing for certain, I needed to have an heir produced. I needed a lady to rule beside me, although I would not take her as my mate. Heavens no. Simple as.. My partner. Perhaps I could grow to love another some day, although it would certainly take the right one. I decide to give this unknown wolf a few minute to muster the courage to show themselves, of course, they are in the presence of a King after all.