
Rise to power.

White Tooth

12-18-2016, 07:10 PM
I couldn't help but have my interest caught when she mentioned that she too, was of royal linage, a queen at that. Here she was, right before me, the only being I had found so far that was a suitable mother for the heirs. She admired me. Of course, then again, who didn't. I was almighty. The trees themselves shook when I walked through their home, I was infamous. I was well respected. I had fought for my crown once, and I have every intention of doing it again."Ah.. A queen.. Are you.." I felt the familiar sense of pride when she mentioned staking claim to her. After all, I didn't want a mate, just someone to rule beside me, produce my heirs, and be a mother. In all reality, I was quite able of loving myself. I wasn't obsessed with the idea of having a queen beside me, however, it would certainly make ruling quite a bit easier. She could deal with the petty things within the peasants beneath us, while I could deal with matters of trade and war. Perhaps she was the piece I needed to steak a claim on a throne.. If anything, she could steak a claim as queen.. With I beside her, The Stag King, she couldn't possibly fail. Perhaps I would even find myself in love with her at some point, after all, she would be the one to mother my children. MY heir. Part of my found myself wanting to take her here and now. Administer my scent all over her frame, daring any other males to even give her a passing glance. For if I did claim her as mine, god help whatever idiot chose to touch her. I'd tear them limb by limb, it wouldn't be quick easy. Oh no, I would most certainly take my time with it."I want to rule again, Zola. I NEED my crown, and from the sounds of things.. You do as well. I don't know many wolves here, I don't know how they behave.. But you do. With me by your side I could not only promise you protection, but I am a very skilled warrior. I am simply the best around here, I am quick on my feet and I am intelligent. We simply would reign forever. If we were to produce an heir as well, it would legitimize our claim.. What do you say.. Kitten."If she agreed to being my counterpart along with the mother to my children she had just won herself the world on a platter. She would have a throne, a crown forever, and on top of that a GOOD man. I knew for a fact that there were very few wolves around here which could measure up to what she needed. What she desired. I knew what kind of wolf she was just after talking to her for these past minutes. She had suffered a great loss, she certainly was no queen by blood. Oh no, not like myself. However, as long as she were to stay by my side. Together, we would rise to power.