
Overdue {Birthing}



2 Years
12-18-2016, 07:46 PM

Qualm tried to make sure he stayed calm. He would flick his tail and turn to look towards the female who was now nursing her young. She would grant him access, and told him if he truly meant no harm then there wouldn't be an issue. "Truly ma'm it's my duty to help." he would take cautious steps forward. As if to say may I as she had asked him to take a look at the smaller newborn. A small female, especially for one of yoshiko's size. He could notice that she was worried with two pups dead and one stunted. Qualm too, wanted to know if the little girl would be okay. Gently he nudged the tiny thing and heard it's soft cries. Listening and feeling closely to it's heartbeat and other vital signs. The softness of the creature did make him wag his tail with a small smile.

"Your daughter will be alright, her heartbeat and cries are strong. Though I know she won't grow much bigger - she'll probably stay rather small." Qualm said. Though the girl might have some issue with fighting off sickness. "Make sure she eats well, your milk will help her starve off infection and sickness. Since that may be an issue." As for the boy.... he didn't even really have to check him - the green boy was healthy as it was. A runt and a large healthy man. "If I can ask, do you have names for them? My name's Qualm Rivers by the way." he had almost forgotten to introduce himself. "Also how are you feeling Yoshiko? If you'd like I have some herbs for the both of you - the willows has mint and a few herbs that are good for new mothers. Mint will help anxiety and stomach ache's." The man looked softly at the two of them. When they looked like they needed a lot of help that was why he was here.
