
Rise to power.


12-18-2016, 08:15 PM

Zola mentally shivered to the thought. Children? It was not something she ever wanted. Only with Lian. But he wasn't here anymore and he probably would never come back. If this is what she had to give, it was probably well worth it. She couldn't think of anything better than to be the highest power all. Beside her king of course.

"A fine price to pay for it's worth." She agreed, leaving most her thoughts to her self. "And if you'd think I would back down to a fight for our kingdom, you are wrong." And this was right. Zola was a fighter herself. She'd be damned if someone came waltzing in expecting her to give up her place as queen. She picked her own fights and not always good ones. She used to be so careful with her appearance but now the taste of blood was something she lived for.

Coming even closer to the man now, closing in as much space as he allowed, she would whisper to him sensually, "Tell me, is there anything else you need in return?" She swished her tail around taunting him. If he thought she wouldn't be sleeping around, at least when they weren't claimed as mates, he was also wrong about that. Pushing herself onto a stranger? That was one of the signs. But she would only have his children if that was their agreement. And she would actually love to see him rip someone's throat out over it...

Walk "Talk" Think