
The grasses whisper of a king.



3 Years
Extra large
12-18-2016, 08:16 PM
A voice attracted her attention, though it was not the voice which Yoshiko longed to hear. Ears perked, great head turning towards the smaller male he addressed her. He was pure, covered in white fur. Sometimes Yoshi was envious of such wolves. He referred to himself as the Stag King… a title that seemed a bit odd to her. She arched a brow, about to speak and question it when she noticed the bit of antler around his neck on a string. Even still… she could not help but wonder.

“The title of ‘Stag King’ is not one I’m familiar with. Perhaps you might care to explain why you are called such?” A smirk began to appear on her features, revealing that Yoshiko was amused and yet, at the same time, a certain curiosity burned with her blood pink eyes. For now Yoshiko’s body remained relaxed, though she was willing to throw down at a moment’s notice. She’d be a bit weaker from the birthing, but she was confident in her size and the skills of her jaws to take down anyone who stood in her way.

At this thought though a memory surfaced. Surely her husband had once thought the same… before their kingdom was lost. She pushed that thought away, finding herself showing at least a bit of respect for the male by keeping eye contact as she answered his earlier question. “As for who I am… I am Yoshiko Haruna Agatsuma Adravendi. You may call me Yoshi, if you wish.” The female straightened a bit to her full height, breathing out slowly. She wasn’t looking for a conversation or a fight right now… but it seemed at least one of the two were being placed before her.