
Rise to power.

White Tooth

12-18-2016, 08:25 PM
My, my, my was she tempting. Zola seemed to have the save drive that I too possessed, the female wanted uncontested power. That was something I could certainly give her, I would gladly let her sit beside me. We would be equal, the Stag King and Queen, what a force to be reckoned with.."I don't fell like you would at all, kitten, I feel like you as well have a large amount of fight in your soul. That's something to be admired as well, but please be aware, I do have an urge for bloodlust.. It looks quite well upon my pale coat."

With my queen now at my side, the only thing we lacked was followers. It was an uncontested rule that you needed at least 6, but I wanted more. I NEEDED more. I wanted to go in guns blazing, our rule sovereign across many many areas. Zola was indeed not only my queen now, but my toy in a sense. Although despite my disdained personality I felt no urge to use her in any way at all, for I felt as if we could both do better to each other by working together."I don't want to be tied down with a woman.. I like my freedom. However, as long as you do not produce a litter with another KING, I do not care what you do with your free time.. You see, this is all for our crowns.."Despite the fact that I didn't care if she had more than one relationship, if I did by chance take her as my MATE.. Gods who was I kidding, I could certainly see myself settling down with her. She was not only eye catching, but she had the heart of a blood thirsty Queen. I needed that, not only would that satisfy myself, but I believe she would be pleased as well. Perhaps this was turning into something bigger than the both of us. I soon came to stand closer to her, my tail grazing over her back in an affectionate manner. I wasn't incapable of showing emotion, no, quite the opposite. As a child I had shown it to much, thus as I grew I learned to hold it back."My Queen, we shall take this world with fire and blood."