
The grasses whisper of a king.

White Tooth

12-18-2016, 08:34 PM
It seemed as though word of my reign had not yet reached this area of the world.. While I was thinking about the subject this female who now addressed herself as Yoshiko, or simply Yoshi asked why I was called the Stag King. I couldn't hold back the laugh that soon burst from my charcoal lips, although I don't blame her.. Not everyone can have the pleasure of knowing someone as amazing, noble, and chivalrous as myself."I am a King because of my birth parents, obviously. Before I was simply the next king.. After going through a dispute within the Providence I hail from, I fled.. I was weak then. I soon came upon a great herd of deer, which was led by a self entitled "King". His coat solid black, his antlers massive.. I slayed him just like all those who have came across me before, I took the place as king myself. The deer provided me with food.. I provided them with protection. I have slain many wolves in my time, but none had put up a fight like the deer king.. Thus, I have become titled "The Stag King." It was not by myself, but by the herd I guarded for several months.. I will simply say.. Fawn is delicious."I let out another laugh, my chest heaving with the joy of telling my notorious rise to power.. Perhaps I could get her to follow Zola and I to our new kingdom.. That'd be another follower for us indeed, or.. I could force her into it. I could hold her for ransom as well.

Raising my nose a bit to the wind that blew above me, I inhaled deeply. She had indeed just recently given birth.. I could use a pup.. Perhaps even become friends with the tiny little thing."Ah.. Motherhood becomes you.. Who is the father, lucky man I'm sure. You can consider me a friend.. I mean no harm."