
Bruises and Bitemarks


12-18-2016, 08:35 PM
Bruises and Bitemarks say
Takes one to bring the pain

The massive female was restless, and perhaps she had only herself to blame for that. Since joining this pack she had yet to fight anyone… or anything. What kind of life was that, hmm? Fiery gaze scanned a new section of the territory she was exploring today. She wasn’t all that familiar with it… but perhaps that was alright. She let out a breath of winter air, though it was mild for the season. Slushy and muddy ground would make an interesting spar ground… but Pyrr loved a good challenge after all. She took a moment to give a quick lick to her chest, much like the manner of a cat grooming itself, before she tilted her head back and let loose a howl.

Wolves of Abaven, she was calling for you! Whomever wanted a friendly pack related spar she was all for it. Claws dug into the earth, muscles flexing as the female prepared herself for what she was hoping was to come. A laugh, mighty and pleased, left the female. She wouldn’t mind some bruises and bitemarks… but would her opponent be so open to injury and training a bit more fiercely? Not that she’d maim anyone but if they got a pretty new scar, well, was that really so bad?

Let's make this moment worth the while
Let's kill the night and go down in style