
Do not discredit me.



8 Years
12-18-2016, 08:41 PM
There is strength in your tears !!

Once again, the little female found herself on the shores of the black sand beach. There was something about this part of the new land called to her. Perhaps, it was the fact that her family lay in ruins across the sea. Or it could be the unusual color of the sand, or even some of the plants and animals around the tide pools. Staring into one of the many deep and well established pools, Star watched a small sea urchin use its pins to walk across the bottom. Small silver fish darted back and forth just under the surface of the water. A sudden jet of water that came out of the micro-environment startled her as it hit her in the face. Yelping, she jumped nimbly away from the edge, her ears pinned back against her head. There were no signs of anger or even a raising of lip against her assailant, only a slight confusion marred the delicate beauty of her masked face.

It was then that she heard the voice, a sound that had her snapping her head around to look at the approaching male. The rest of her body quickly rotated to allow her to face the wolf, but it was not out of fear or mistrust. Her light tan tail was waving so hard that her hips shook with the force of it, her front paws tap danced rapidly in the black sand, dark tan gloved legs highlighting the light tan toes of her paws. His question was rather strange, but she answered honestly and instinctively.  "I have only been on this continent for two days! I don't know anyone, but would you like to talk a while? Maybe I could know who you were then? I need friends, I left all mine at home and I am not quite sure who to trust here. But, you do not seem so dangerous, maybe we could become friends?"  She spoke a mile a minute, without hesitation or breath. But, there was a hope in the young female's voice that would be difficult for even the most dangerous wolf in Ardent to refuse. She could not stop her moving, though she tried several times during the mini speech she had given him.

female - 3 yrs - 36 inches - no mate - no home

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
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