
It's time to get Heavy


12-18-2016, 09:03 PM
Hey you you're nodding out
What's this all about

Mmm, a voice, and a familiar one at that had Pyrrhus grinning as her fiery gaze turned towards the ashen female. So good it was to see a face she knew, even if only a little. “Following you? Perhaps.” Her smile only grew upon her face, ears perking up almost happily. “Certainly seems that way considering we’re both members of this pack now, hmm?” The female’s tail was wagging slowly back and forth. She was in a better mood now… something about the other female was refreshing. She wasn’t of a weak mind or body… she had a fire to her too, and that was something that Pyrr could respect.

“By the way, found out the bird I was eating was called a chicken. Ran into a loner who happened to know.” The female cocked her head to the side, one brow quirking as she looked Asha up and down. “So where do you fall in the ranking lines in this pack? You a fighter at all?” She was practically purring now, a sort of content aura settling around the red wolfess. She could hardly wait to see how the other responded to her questions.

Hey you what's this now
Going down going down