
The grasses whisper of a king.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

12-18-2016, 09:32 PM

Rivaxorus had done one deed, and now onto his original course of action. He was going to return from the north to go back to Auster in search of his love. As of course he hadn't expected her to be in Boreas alone. The massive male would let his nostrils flare though. His heart pounded against his chest as he picked up a familiar scent and mixed in it was that of puppies. His muscles found themselves tensing, and after a long sense in ages he felt protective. The once crowned king, knew he was of royalty and as such he had spent his life believing it would be built on the family curse of misery. However now, his eyes became slits and he carried himself towards the scent. It had been forever and he had searched everywhere for her. The scent of pups also told him he had sons and daughters waiting for him or just children in general. His wife... was alive. That was what mattered the most to the man.

What Riv saw, made his hackles rise, but he was a gentleman and had to uphold his reputation. The large male towered over the white one. As such his gray ears pulled forward and he would subsequently stand to protect his weaker wife - at this time she had been birthing(or at least recently) he knew she was stubborn. However, he was a father and he needed to protect his family. "Lucky I am for sure, the gods graced me with this." his two different colored eyes glared down at the male. Now how did two wolves of royalty greet each other.

"My name is Rivaxorus II Adravendi. Though, my friends call me Riv for short." he would be on edge until it was proven that this wolf was not a threat. These days Riv was full of anger and he was ready to let that unleash when the time called for it. After his defeat in the battle field. The brute was ready as he wouldn't show weakness in front of this man either. But he knew on the inside he wanted so badly to embrace Yoshiko. She was alive..... she was alive.
