
Rise to power.


12-18-2016, 10:28 PM

Zola looking right into his eyes as if she saw his soul. But she didn't, there was no real attachment between the two. It was possible there may have never been. "I would have to agree. And I have to say I'm excited to see you in action as well." She referred to him having blood on his white coat.

"I'm sure I can find some way to convince others..." She knew exactly how and she was sure the man was aware too. She would seduce them, that's what she was good at. Besides, sleeping with a queen would be most's goals and dreams. She could make others happy with their lives unintentionally of course.

"I do not wish to have any other children, darling. It is only your terms that I have agreed on and I will not accept any that are not yours if it comes to that." She wished that it wouldn't. But it was very possible the way she was going around. If anything, he could even have the pleasure of eating them himself. But who knew, maybe Zola would turn around if that truly happened.

Zola shook to his touch, she always felt delicate and even male after male, it never lost it's touch. She was much older than she was when she started and this was surprising. Who knew if she would ever lose the feeling. She pushed her body into his, just enjoying having a partner beside her. "Where is it you live? I'd be willing to cross the rivers for you." She wasn't one for swimming and was rather frightened of the rapids especially now in the freezing winter. But she would make this non-marital vow, and would now follow him anywhere. Almost like a slave but also nothing like one. And she couldn't wait for their visions to come true.

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