
On Flaming Heels

White Tooth

12-19-2016, 01:06 AM
( god help me because I still don't understand the sparring system, but I'll give this a go!)

I heard the challenge loud a clear, the howl obviously came from a male due to its depth of tone. Finally, a fight. I stepped away from the group only to stumble upon him, if I wouldn't have been paying attention I would have walked right past him. My teeth now bared in a notion of agression, my tail curling over my spine. I always made a point to show dominance, being a king and all, it was one of my many talents. The rage that soon over came me was on of unspeakable horror, I hadn't felt this sort of emotion since the fight for Stormer's hand in marriage. I wouldn't be loser, no, not again. Striding right up towards this unknown male, I gnashed my teeth together quickly attempting to place fear in the male that stood before me. I didn't know him, nor did I care to know him. This was a challenge, but.. A challenge for what, exactly? Was he simply asking for it? It seemed apparent to me that word had not yet reached the lands of this continent, everyone I had come into contact with had no idea of my name.. Nor did they know of my title, it soon came to me that I would indeed have to shed blood upon this outlandish soil to have a namesake around here. I would do whatever it was that I needed to do, if that was to slaughter egotistical challengers like the one before myself then so be it. As far as I was concerned, I was doing everyone around me a favor.