
Louder Than Thunder [Pack Claiming]



6 Years

12-19-2016, 03:55 AM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2016, 08:14 PM by Shrapnel.)
OOC: This is a starting meeting for Lirim! I've already added the original five followers who I did threads with to the pack roster so they're expected to attend, though with Christmas right around the corner I know everyone is busy so I'll give this a while. This is an all welcome thread so feel free to throw your wolf in here if they're interested in joining the pack.

The deadline for the first round is January 3rd so that gives everyone about two weeks.

This was it - today was the day. She'd spent what felt like forever planning this and now she could claim a new home. It felt strange to be leaving her old way of life behind, but it was an exciting thrill nonetheless. It was still cold outside, snow still littering the ground and falling lightly from the sky, but Faite was too excited to care.

Rounding up her kids had been a whole new matter entirely. They were now old enough to make the journey, but they were still young and she'd had more of them than she'd expected for her first litter. She was grateful for Zell's presence in all of it - he was more than helpful and would hopefully continue to remain so as they made a new life in their new home.

Snow flakes peppered her back as she scouted around the territory for a good meeting place. She'd already been through the valley and the plain and had found that they both were good territories. Choosing one of the desert locations closer to her old home would have been suicide. The past seasons had already been harsh and starving her new pack wasn't exactly on her to-do list. Both territories had rivers running through both and while the plains had no trees, the valley made up for it. Both would hopefully be prime hunting spots when spring rolled around once more.

Eventually she came to a clearing by the slow moving river - chunks of ice floated in it and she watched it curiously for a moment. At least they would have a good source of water. She surveyed the area and found it suitable for a large group of wolves. Not that she'd gained a lot of followers yet, but it couldn't hurt to be prepared. She took a seat in front of it and looked around once more. There was a lot of work to be done between finding time for her kids and marking the new borders, but she looked forward to it. With that thought in mind she raised her head and let out the loudest howl she could muster. It was both a summoning howl and a claim - this territory was now hers.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]