
They Call Her A Killer, A Sinner, And A Whore



7 Years
12-19-2016, 01:36 PM
Now that he thought about it Nako was glad that the two of them were hidden away. The things he would want to do to this woman raced through his mind as her teeth scraped along his ear. Another nip was given against her jaw, all for her benefit but there was no love behind it. Romance was out the door with this latest notch in the bedpost and he wouldn't have it any other way with this female's almost hostile actions. She spoke again with a pinch of teeth. Nako tensed at the contact of teeth on a shoulder. Words of need and impatience as their chests came together and echoed away in the surrounding winter enclave.

It was for a moment that he would match her touch. But there was a tipping point for the woman, a final push over the edge as it all became to much and satisfaction was needed. With spin she broke away and turned until her rump pressed against his forelegs. It was all so sudden, her growl, the way she held herself before him. Nako needed no further prompt. With a shift of his weight the male reared up with the woman's tail in his teeth and settled heavily on her back as his forelegs shifted to the crook of her hind legs and muzzle snaked against her shoulder blades. He'd released her tail to be trapped between their bodies and keep obstruction to a minimum, jaws grabbing the loose skin of the strangers scruff and letting himself settle into a performance that would contrast the way she acted. Only lust and heavy motions drew out their coupling as the stranger's meeting inevitably was to be witnessed only by the shadows of the forest.
