
They Call Her A Killer, A Sinner, And A Whore


12-19-2016, 02:10 PM

A hefty, yet quiet breathing came from her nose, steam pouring from the nostrils, as she now lay beside the man leaning against him using his own body as a resting post. Sprawled out on her side, if he were to move she would have probably fell over all the way to the frosty ground. It was probably one of the best she had ever had, and she could only hope in the back of her mind that this wouldn't be the last. Of course the two could do a little less than the sex, she wasn't all whore after all.

Rolling her neck back, the top of her skull resting around his shoulder to look up at him, she would let out, "Zola." A grin followed, showing her satisfaction. "My name. It's Zola Leone." He deserved what he once asked for. Her "secret" was her form of payment to him for what a swell job he did. Usually it was the opposite, the female asking for something in return, and maybe in this case it wasn't even needed. They both wanted the release, but this is what she decided to give back.

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