
The grasses whisper of a king.

White Tooth

12-19-2016, 04:04 PM
It seemed that this lady had a husband, of course I had respect for anyone that had the courage to settle down with another. Instantly I had to stop myself from springing, I was quite fond of starting fights with others but with a new mother.. Certainly not. I knew that I could attack if I felt that it was needed, however, he didn't seem all that bad. I would certainly keep my guard up.. If I were to presume the reaching for kingdom I would need all the friends I could get, of course it was for my own personal gain. I wouldn't really NEED them all that much, I had no doubt in the fact that with enough "promises" made I could get the wolves I needed to follow me. But yet, this wolf whom said to simply call himself Riv caught my interest, he was certainly large.. He would make a good chancellor for certain. I could grant him the position, thus making him my right hand man.. I could make him the leader of the King's guard as well. I knew that I had several options in front of me."King White Tooth, it's a pleasure.."My body became rigid, I wasn't in the mood for a petty fight. If I were to fight another, I wanted it to be at least a good reason. I kept my posture a serious one, but I felt no need to display dominance over the male. I would simply see his reaction to my name and title, judged upon his expression and words would determine my actions. If anything, I could talk him into following me as I took a kingdom under siege, then placed it under my rule.