
Do not discredit me.

White Tooth

12-19-2016, 04:13 PM
I was soon impressed by her sudden calm nature, thus I looked past her comments. In fact, I hardly heard them. the fact that she could change herself in a matter of seconds was shocking, I needed someone like that in the higher ranks of my kingdom. She couldn't fit the mold for a Regent, no, now an Ambassador.. Certainly. She was personable, Kind, and in all truth rather humorous. My green eyes soon rested upon her frame, perhaps I could get her to join me.. On top of that she knew healing, and navigational things as well. Not only could she fit the spot for an Ambassador, but also the Border guard. She had many options, that was for certain."It is an honor to be your friend, Star.. I will be taking back a kingdom here soon.. I have an offer for you."My body tensed a bit but soon relaxed shortly after, I needed a close circle of wolves that I knew had no problem with me taking my throne, and were willing to aid me. I needed to get a Regent, the council, and my Lord and Ladies together before I sought after my lands. Hopefully, she would take my offer."You're a very personable lady.. I am in need of an Ambassador.. Someone to go out and speak to other groups in my behalf, and the behalf of the Kingdom. With this title comes not only land, but wealth. Perhaps even a decent husband." I needed her by my side, I needed anyone I could get. The more followers I had, the better of a chance I would have to take the kingdom.