
The grasses whisper of a king.



3 Years
Extra large
12-19-2016, 04:26 PM
Such a curious man. So he had once been ruler of wolves… only to trade the title for that over deer. Yoshiko had to admit she was curious about this. “An interesting history, Stag King. Though I do have to wonder what became of the herd if you’ve grown a taste for their young.” The female grew guarded as the conversation shifted, however. The thought that this male could so easily tell she had little ones was not exactly a comforting thought. His words, though he spoke them as a supposed friend, made her a bit suspicious. He had given her no reason to believe him an enemy before… perhaps he was just being cautious?

The female was to speak further when her mate appeared, and Yoshiko held back the soft whine that wanted to pass her lips. She had missed Riv… missed him dearly. Body scooted a little closer to his, drawing comfort from his presence and letting him know, without words, that she was here. Her blood-pink gaze flicked towards him for but a moment, giving a small smile before turning back to the pale colored man before them.

“King White Tooth… the stag king.” Yoshi tested the words upon her lips, one ear flicking back slightly. “Riv and I too once wore crowns. But I’m afraid that our kingdom is no longer.” She stood with her own body a bit rigid, carefully watching White Tooth now. “Such things… were a less important thing for us at the time.” She tried to play it off lightly, not wanting this stranger to know of Riv’s defeat. “Family… blood… mattered far more than such titles. But I digress… tell me, White Tooth, why have you approached?” There was no reason to beat around the bush, was there?

“I do hope that if it is in seeking followers… you are prepared to show us why we should choose to follow you?” Though her words might have seemed polite by themselves there was a certain hardness to them. A challenge. Yoshiko wasn’t going to drop everything and join a pack with just anyone… particularly not before discussing it with Riv first. But perhaps this man might try to convince them both anyway?