
Fire and blood.

White Tooth

12-19-2016, 07:32 PM
The fires danced between us like that of an uncontrolled nature, my body tingling from our nightly escapade. I had in a sense gotten drunk off of this lovely female, her body touched mine with hesitation. She was a woman of commoner lineage, while I, was a great king. Despite these things, I cannot express to anyone how she made me feel. Her scent was captivation, a combination of Vanilla, Mint and Lime. It was as different as she was herself, blessed with a dark coat and beautiful blue eyes I could not see myself with anyone else. Her nose soon pressed to mine as we finished our love making session, I had fallen into an indescribable amount of emotion. Amount of love. I felt like I could slay the greatest of kings, rule any lands I felt like I wanted. Anything I could possibly desire I could have, why? Because her love gave me power, it gave me a purpose besides upholding my lineage. The winds outside roared viciously but they did not harm me, her warm soul blazed enough fire for the both of us through the winter months. I was merely 7 months old, but I had been groomed properly to know what I wanted in a lady. With no title but being the newly crowned King’s love, she wasn’t much. But gods, Stormer stumped all of the females within the whole kingdom, none of them compared. Perhaps it was because I was young and dumb, or perhaps it was something more entirely. As our bond grew stronger I aged more, she began to get snappy with me when I pleaded for her attention. My love didn’t last long, with the Baron of my council obtaining an attraction for my lovely kitten a competition arose. As I stepped into the arena I felt my fur bristle, my anger well inside of my heart. I had to have her, not because she was royalty or anything of the sort. She wasn’t. But because I loved her, I loved her with everything I could possibly love her with. As my opponent showed his face I realized that the wolf whom had been writing sexual letters to my lady was my closest friend.. My rage now boiled over to a point it had never reached in my past year of being alive. I knew Stormer was pregnant, but with Wendagio being the wolf he was I knew they were his. I KNEW THEY WERE NOT MINE. This led to even more rage inside my soul, a disgust for my love. My moon and my stars had betrayed me.. She had slept with another. This was uncalled. This was rage. This was.. Hurt. I felt my heart shatter into a million fragments when I saw her on HIS side of the ring, cheering HIM on. I knew then that if I won this battle for her hand, I would have his head. I would have his blood upon my paws. I would REMOVE HIS HEAD. Teeth glimmered in the torch light which illuminated the space between us, I charged forwards gaining a hold on his nape. The fight didn’t last long, I was out of shape. I was out of training. He was not only larger than me, but he was level headed. My anger had clouded my judgment calls, I had lost.. My head hit the ground with a ferocious amount of force, blood flowing from my wounds. Defeated. Scorned. I took one final look at the maid with the black fur before taking off in a full on run. I wanted to leave it all. Leave ALL of it. I didn’t want to see her grow with his PUPS. His children. I didn’t want ANY more of his blood in my kingdom. I did what no king should have ever done, I deserted my subjects.. Never again would I return to those bloodstained lands. I prayed deep in my soul as I ran that she would be pronounced dead, pups and all. That, Wendagio, my oldest friend too would perish..

  Pulling myself out of the dazed dream I was in, my memories circling my head with horrid emotion. I felt tears run from my emerald eyes, what had I done that was so bad for her to desert me that way? What made him SO much better? I was KING. A KING. My rage soon boiled over again as I found myself sprinting forwards through the frozen northern island I had swam over to, I needed to be alone. I needed to be as far away from everyone as I possibly could. Maybe there was nothing left for me in this life time. I couldn’t ever see another female loving me as Stormer did. Here I was, partially blind, with no crown. I let out a loud growl as I found myself skidding to a stop due to a large cliff. Before me I could see the continent I had stumbled upon, my limbs shook. My hackles raised in not only dominance, but pain as well. Never again would I be humiliated. Never again would I WASTE my time on another. But yet.. That part of me wanted to love again.. I wanted so badly to have a litter with someone, after all, I had no children. Most males I had come in contact during my time here at least had 1 or 2. I had none. I had nothing. No throne. No crown. No family. Fine. My head raised up to a higher level, using my left paw I dried my tears. I was a KING. Kings did not cry, they did not weep for things they could not change. I would take this land with fire and blood, I would cleanse it of any I did not deem worthy to live beneath my rule. I wanted to be the king I was BORN to be, my father. Grey Tooth.. God, he was an honorable man. A just, sweet, king. He always did right by all of his subjects, however, I believed that some deserved certain privileges. Not everyone was fit to be an Ambassador, or a Regent. I heard the familiar song of my house come to my head.. I found myself staring out over the bit of sea that separated the island I was on, singing softly to myself.
“A coat of gold, a coat of red. A wolf still has claws. And mine are long and sharp, my lord, as long and sharp as yours.. And who are you, the proud lord said, that I must bow so low. Only a wolf of a different coat, that’s the only truth I know. In a coat of red, or a coat of gold, a wolf still has claws. But now the rains weep over his halls, the lonely lord, with no one else to hear.” My heart swelled with pride with the house song of my bloodline. It was one of triumph. One of blood lust. Everyone would hear me howl, everyone would hear my roar from my throne. I would never again be below another. No, not again. For now, this lonely island was my home. MY KINGDOM.