
Watch 'em Soar!



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
01-06-2017, 08:52 PM (This post was last modified: 01-06-2017, 09:44 PM by Dragon.)

He waited patiently, and they began to show up. Okami was first, and he gently nipped at her tail as she brushed by him. "Yup!" His tail wagged as she went to sit nearby, and then soon his sister Afrit showed up. She mentioned the adventure he had mentioned back in the north, and to be honest he had nearly forgotten about that since things had gotten pretty busy. He felt bad for that, so he nodded eagerly and smiled at her. "I know, I know! How about we go tomorrow? Anywhere you want!" He grinned, tail wagging. One of Esarosa's kids showed next, Jade if he recalled the name of the young girl. She greeted them, and he was glad to see that she too seemed eager to want to learn and be here. "Heya Jade! Excited? You're all getting mentors today!" Well, that is why he had called them all here. The question was, who would mentor? There were very few he had considered, simply for the fact that the last time his mom had assigned mentors, none of the mentors really did anything if at all. Save for maybe Amachi, his mom, and Esarosa...but now they had a new healer, and he himself would more than likely even mentor someone too. Even though he wasn't as experienced as the older wolves of the pack, he still felt that he could also learn and grow with whoever was his apprentice as well. Charm was next, and Dragon noticed that she didn't seem very...happy. He understood to a point. Vereux passed away unexpectedly, and they were still dealing with that grief. He didn't care too much about his own father though. Not after hearing what the bastard had done. And even though he didn't know him, he had vowed to tear the man apart should he ever find him. Or anyone else who was close to him as punishment for his cowardice.

Shortly after, Liar's remaining kid arrived and flopped silently onto the ground. Then Enlil showed, settling over by Charm, followed by Jade's two siblings Sterling and Cobalt. Right, this was everyone now! Even though the last two were pretty late, he would give the kids a pass this time around. "Alright! Now that we're all here, I wanna let you guys know that you'll all be assigned mentors today!" He eyed them for a moment to see their reactions at the news. "You guys are gonna have more of a head start then I did at your age, and I'm gonna assign you good mentors based on what you want to learn. Remember though, just because you're more focused towards one area, doesn't mean you shouldn't train in other fields. When someone else calls a training, you're all expected to attend, got it?" Simple enough for them to understand, right? "Now...tell me what you guys are interested in learning! There's several things to pick from, and I'll list 'em off for you as well as who will be teaching those things, okay?"

Clearing his throat, he quieted for a moment as he thought about the different areas they could train in. Then a thought struck him! "Oh yeah, if you try one thing and don't really like it, let me know and I'll assign you to a mentor in that field. You guys can try more than one thing at a time, so if you want to learn say...fighting and hunting or something, then you'll have different mentors who specialize in those fields." He felt pretty excited about this, and wondered if it was their excitement rubbing off on him, or maybe it was just him. Either way, he was eager to get things started! "Alright! Starting with the first mentor, my mom, Avalon, will be teaching both offensive and defensive fighting. She's also willing to teach things like history, diplomacy, etiquette, and stuff like that. Next, my brother Kharnage is willing to teach fighting skills and...well, he'll probably put you through a training camp which I encourage." Come to think of it, that wasn't such a bad would toughen them up, right? In all honesty, that sounded like a great idea actually! He wished there was something like that when he was younger! "Zuri will teach healing, and Esarosa and Steel, as well as my brother Gryphon will teach you how to hunt and navigate the lands, as well as a few other things too. Lastly, I will teach fighting and some other stuff. Depends on what you wanna know, so if there is something I haven't covered or said, just ask and I'm sure I can work something out."

Alright, that was it...right? Hmm...he did have a thought sitting in his head for a while, and it was due to the lack of experienced wolves in the pack that drove him to consider his thought as a possible option. "Since we don't have very many mentors, more than likely you'll all be sharing mentors. Things will work out though, and remember...if you have any questions or change your mind on what you want to specialize in later, let me know. With that being said, tell me what you wanna start with so I can pair you with the mentors."

OOC//Posting order not required! Just throw up a short post or w/e on what your char might wanna learn and they'll be assigned accordingly. Please have replies posted by the 13th <3


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.