
Louder Than Thunder [Pack Claiming]



7 Years
Athena I

12-19-2016, 07:45 PM

Zuriel had followed her sister fairly closely as she left to go stake her claim on her new territory, but it was hard leaving the area near Celestial. After all, the last time she had left it hadn't ended well. This was different though. She wasn't just wandering off into the unknown by herself. She was following her sister to their new home. It was still so strange to think of somewhere else as home, but she had willingly agreed to do this with Faite and she wouldn't turn back on her word. Her blue gaze drifted around the snowy landscape when she arrived, a little hope beginning to bloom in her heart. This place would be wonderful for herbs once spring came. A tiny curve of a smile touched her lips and she settled on her haunches while her gaze lingered on the icy river for a moment.

Others began to gather as well and her ears flicked while she watched them closely. Surely anyone that Faite had asked to join her would be trustworthy, but Zuriel had little in the way of trust these days. Her ears flicked when she saw the monochromatic wolf that had pressed to Faite, but she kept herself quiet, letting her gaze drift to the dark, purple-eyed male that was speaking to Faite instead. Oh she hoped this was all going to be okay. She shifted a bit to sit more comfortably with her now fairly round stomach. Part of her wished she wasn't so thin so her pregnancy wouldn't be so glaringly obvious so soon. A sigh passed her lips and she shoved down the anxiety that was creeping up on her. No time for that now. There was a meeting to be held.

"Talk" "You" Think