
Flutter in the wind

Marina I


7 Years
12-19-2016, 09:45 PM

His words were wise beyond his years. Marina dipped her head, giving a nod with a warm smile. “You are a smart wolf, Vadim. I can only hope that we grow to be good friends as you say. I look forward to spending more time with you, and I assure you… I bring no threat to your family. Not to any member of it. Perhaps when we’re able to speak further you’ll begin to understand how I tick a bit more…” The female was smiling a bit more, a soft look in her gaze. Truth was she just wanted to be included in a family once more. It didn’t matter if she was some high fancy rank… she just wanted to know love and friends again.

Marina paused listening to the two of them speak further. Greed… she thought she recalled Liar speaking of that particular child before. One who didn’t see eye to eye with him. It was evident though that even if the family wasn’t completely close knit that they still had loyalty to each other… It was good to see. The female decided to chime in again after Liar finished speaking, her words soft.

“I’m sure you can take your time before coming with us as well. Feel free to visit with your sibling… even if he may not be so willing to be with your father, perhaps something can be worked out between the two of you. It’s good to keep those bonds strong.” The rainbow marked female paused, seeming to have a thought cross her mind. “It seems to me… sometimes the bonds between siblings can be stronger than that to a parent.” Her own bit of advice for the younger one.

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]