
If death is your friend, let me be your lover


06-22-2013, 01:52 PM

Vahva usually would want to ignore a wolf like this, but he was much too small for her to pick on at all. She wasn't one to pick on others anyway, she hated to cause trouble even though the back of her mind said that she shouldn't care at all. The large female tilted her head at this question that escaped his lips, why he was practically the same age as she was. Why would she want to die so soon, but the question sparked her curiosity for the subject just as it did with the deer carcass not that far away. He wasn't the cleanest creature, but he showed no signs of hurting her, or even wanting to despite his question. Her paws were too big to sink in this stuff, there was no hope of her getting stuck that was for sure. At least she thought so, and she had been in pretty sticky situations before. Her tail flicked from side to side, at such a young age and so many scars all over his body, what had he been doing this entire time? She wanted to ask him, but then thought against it. Why the hell was she caring so much she had no clue.

Vahva walked closer to him and lowered her head, her red eyes flickering like a light in the fog. "I'm far too young to die just yet, why?" she asked the question rolling over her tongue so easily. Why had she asked that, she wasn't quiet sure herself. After all, if he had asked her if she had come to die, he must be evil right? Yet, there was nothing about him that seemed to be intimidating in that way, not to mention that he was so much smaller than she. He couldn't do much damage to a wolf who had pack training. She wanted to know what this boy was about, why was he all alone. Was he like her? Or so much different. Vahva had always been interested in the strange her whole life, but some of it pissed her off. Few wolves would kill because they were afraid of the unknown. Vahva was not, she would never be afraid of the unknown even if she tried to be.

"My name is Vahva(Vak-va), what is yours?" A name was an excellent place to start as any was it not. Exchanging names and then remembering faces because she definitely want to see if she wanted to run into this guy again. If she didn't knew any better, she would have thought hi to be a yearling. Yet from what her cousin had told her his brother was only twenty four inches in height. A runt of the male gender, so this guy could be the same. Vahva didn't smile, but her salmon colored tongue licked over her jaws blood on her teeth from her last meal of birds.
