
Fire and blood.

White Tooth

12-19-2016, 11:37 PM
My rage had simmered down from the sweet, sweet ballad I had immersed myself in. I knew by whomever's voice this was that they were indeed young, although I couldn't fight the anger when the female began to call the song of House Tooth a myth. I felt my fur bristle along my back as I turned around slowly, tears no longer streaked my face as my crying had subsided. My teeth were exposed as I spoke, my shoulders rolled back puffing out my chest. She shouldn't speak of things she didn't know.. Things she couldn't even begin to understand. A myth.. Lords had no one in these lands heard of the great house I hailed from? WERE THEY SAVAGES AROUND HERE. Letting out a loud scoff, I looked this canine over. She was frail looking, ratty even. "You shouldn't speak of things you know nothing about.. In my homeland, in MY kingdom, our enemy clan adorned themselves with black and blue cloaks.. My house adorned themselves with coats of red and gold. I am of SUPREME lineage, I am a KING. I will treat these lands no different, I will soon establish a kingdom here as well. The song is about my fathers war against our enemy, House Waatuli."I blinked slowly, I wasn't sure who this female was. Nor did I really care, I didn't care much for anyone. In fact part of me was annoyed that she was even here, I wanted to be alone.. I thought that would have been obvious by coming to this island. Apparently not.