
Most wonderful time of the year



9 Years
01-12-2017, 07:10 PM

She hoped that the spring would be much better on the lands. Praying for good weather so that the deer would come back and be abundant for the pack. She hated the thought of not having any substantial food for the pack to eat, things would get rough if they didn't get better soon. Bass had to have a lot of stress riding on his shoulders, worrying about the lives in his pack. It had to be a lot and the Storm felt bad for him. She knew that he loved to lead his pack even if she had only been around him for a little while. The women listened as he explained, his reply to her question. She understood and it made sense as to why the deer were leaving. They were loosing their food source and would have to travel to find a new food source. They needed to survive and their instincts were kicking in.

Softly the women would sigh remembering the days here family where on the move with the animals. Though it was her favorite season the winter was rough on everyone even when you were as prepared as you could be. She could never be in his paws, she could never handle all the stress of worrying about everyone's lives constantly. She had to worry on everyone's health, but survival is many more factors then just health. Ears perked as he spoke of talking to Quake. The girl was hard to bring from her shell and despite calling for her she had vary little time. The girl was struggeling.

"I have. She is vary quiet and stuck in a shell, but I will try my best. I don't give up easy," she replied.

"Talk" "You" Think
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Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times