
Louder Than Thunder [Pack Claiming]



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
12-20-2016, 02:18 PM

Well. This was a lot more than he had anticipated. But he would not go back on his word. He walked along with his pups, Kairi bounding ahead and completely ignoring his orders to stay nearby. Grumbling, he kept an eye on her, ready to leap into action should anything decide to attack her. He had to admit, he was excited about this. He hadn't expected for his life to turn out this way, but he was glad it did. Since the moment the pups were born, he felt...different. Like it changed him in ways he didn't know about. And now here he was, guiding a bunch of pups towards their new home. Ears pricked as Faite's howl rang out, and lucky for them they were close by.

Kairi of course, ran on ahead. And he too would quicken his pace as the scent of others reached him. He knew more or less about Zuriel's presence, having smelled her on Faite and around the estuary, but he didn't personally know her. And the other two? Males... A low growl emanated within his throat, and the large brute would arrive with his tail over his back, blue eyes spotting a...what the hell was that!? There was a thing practically clinging to Faite's side! "Not under my watch!" He hissed. Bounding forth, Zell issued a warning growl to the unsightly cretin, charging towards him as if he were going to ram straight into him. Teeth slightly bared, he stared at the creature as he placed himself in between it and Faite. "Back off, buddy!" He growled. He'd never met this guy, let alone even seen or heard of him. Was he one of Faite's followers? Or some sort of...parasite that lived around here? Snorting, he turned to find another male, one that was less of an eyesore than the little dirty thing. He eyed him too, however, making it clear that he best not approach any further.  

He supposed this was one of those things that had changed about him...even though they weren't so-called mates, he still felt very protective over her, and of course, their pups.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!