
Louder Than Thunder [Pack Claiming]



8 Years
12-20-2016, 02:35 PM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2016, 02:40 PM by Stardust.)
There is strength in your tears !!

She was moving as fast as her long, graceful legs could carry her. Moving from the obsidian beach she made her way to Emerald Valley, where the call for Lirim had been raised. The sound of triumph and joy had spread for miles, reaching Star's ears in a faint summons for home. Saying goodbye to White Tooth, Star dipped her head to him and left him to stand alone on the black sandy beach and sprinted straight for Faite. Along the way, the bubbly girl had accidentally flushed a snow hare from it's bush. Chasing the animal had taken more time than she wanted, but the white fur of the hare was too pretty and would make too great a gift for her new leader for her to pass up. Once she caught up to the rodent, Star smacks out with a gloved paw and throws the small animal off balance before she ducks her head to quickly snap down on its neck before it could right itself. Her force was great enough to break the vertebrae in the hare's neck, leaving little blood to mar its coat. The pale tan flag of her tail went straight up in pride, and with the gift in her jaws, Stardust made the rest of the trek home.

She was surprised by the valley that Faite had chosen. Gently rolling hills were blanketed in snow, but still breathtaking to say the least. There was a sparkling trail in the distance that told her there was a river right smack dab in the middle of the territory. From her position, Star could see the others that had gathered and felt a bit of nervous anticipation streak coldly down her spine. Taking a breath, she moves forward at a proud trot, the hare swinging wildly in a trophy like fashion. Once she reached the group, Star noticed the tense way the cream and red male stared at the other two males. There were pups present as well, and the idea of having little ones around raised the excitement about the pack's future. Eyeing the male nervously, she made her way to the pair. There was a possessive air about the creamy wolf, but Star moved forward to stand before Faite. Putting the white snowshoe hare at Faite's paws, Star grins at her leader and waves her tail happily. "Congratulations, on getting your pack together! I am so very excited to see us flourish, I will have to go and get the herbs we stashed soon. But, I wish to acquaint myself with my new brothers and sisters and find a den first!" With a short dip of her head, Star attempted to contain the need to leap and spin about with her excitement. It was evident in the excited quaking of her muscles that she was just about ready to explode with joyous energy, but there were too many wolves around and she didn't wish to make a fool of herself on her first meeting with the members of her new family. Instead, she made her way to each wolf and introduced herself, then moved to recline near Faite. From the looks of things, Star would have a good home here. Faite had done extremely well in finding this territory and making it her own.

female - 3 yrs - 36 inches - no mate
sagari of lirim

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
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