
Offering a Smiling Phrase



6 Years

12-20-2016, 03:14 PM

Jaelle continued to ignore the white stoat as her paw ran across the icy surface of the wall, until she risked a peek back at him when he grew silent. His beady black eyes were narrowed at her, making the woman stick out the tip of her tongue in reply. He was a silly creature, he was always miserable in one sense or another. He really should lighten up. "You know, you could help me find a cave instead of grumping around," she muttered, still grinning as she watched him walk over to the edge of the blockade. As he started to run along the side of it with his black nose tossed skywards, she trotted beside him at an easy gate. The bells on her tail and legs called out with every step of the way, the long appendage behind her swishing from side to side.

It wasn't too long after they headed out that Jaelle looked up to see a gray shape moving towards them. Slowing herself to a brisk walk, she saw that they weren't the only one exploring the wall today. As the two creatures neared, she discovered that he had almost the same colour of eyes, his brown one on the same side as hers. His blue one wasn't as bright as hers though, but it was the closest she had ever seen to her unique gaze. "Hello there!" she called out to him, that easy smile still spread across her inky lips. Giet of course said nothing, grumbling as his pale fur brushed against the frozen water wall to their left. Jae's left ear folding towards him, but otherwise she didn't pay any mind to him. Did she find a new exploration buddy? Anyone would be better than the grumpy tube of fur at her side. Snorting softly to herself, she dipped her head in greeting to the strange male. "Out exploring today?" she said, tipping her nose towards the ice that stood far above both of them. Two sets of eyes were better than one, perhaps together they could find a way through.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.