
But I Promised You That I Will See You Again...



7 Years

12-20-2016, 05:03 PM

He laid stiffly beside his now cold friend, refusing to leave him but knowing he wasn't strong enough to go and bury him now. There was no way he could leave Abaven for that long in the winter to fulfill his promise, but as soon as the ground softened he would be on his way with whatever was left of Hansel. Bass flinched at the morbid thought, his body clamping tighter around him. His call hadn't seemed to go unheard either, and he was surprised to hear Sparrow's voice. He didn't move his head, only a single yellow eye opening to glance at the brown and creme woman. He was surprised that she was even here, but thankful for a familiar face. The man tried to offer her a smile for her words, but it faltered and sputtered into his deep frown before the corner of his lips had even turned that far up. Sorrow dredged his face in tight lines, making him look far older than he was. He let out a soft humming sound as she nosed his shoulders, his single eyed gaze roaming over to Renhett as she entered next. He took comfort in her kind words, his shoulders shrugging in an answer to her question. Bass couldn't find words even if he tried, feeling like the weight of the world was on his shoulders all over again.

Movement caught his eye, his head lifting slightly as both eyes blinked open, glancing at Karabela as she entered the scene. Her voice was full of sorrow as she noticed who it was that Bass was curled around, quick to offer her condolences. He shook his head, if she was here there was probably some alpha manners to attend to, right? Clearing his throat, he opened his mouth to speak but found that words once again failed him. It took a few times of him opening and closing his mouth before he managed to say anything. "Is. There something... wrong?" Bass' manner of speaking was torn up, his tone hardly above a whisper. He was an alpha first, right? No matter what, he had to keep Abaven in the back of his mind. He cleared his throat again, shivering slightly as he finally felt the cold that was seeping deep into his skin. His entire body was coated in snow, his face pure white as they hid his brown markings. Feeling weak, his head fell back onto Hansel's stiff shoulder, sniffling slightly as he turned towards the river. For a moment he just listened to it run, until he felt a warmth moving in to replace the bitter chill. Slowly his neck craned over until his gaze met one of a similar hue, locking for just a moment before she set to grooming the snow out of his fur. His eyes closed against the soothing motion, shivering again as Vali's warmth showed him just how cold he truly was. He was a mess, this was all a disaster. This was not how an alpha should appear in front of his members, but he couldn't bring himself to stand up. Not yet.

"Talk" "You" Think