
Louder Than Thunder [Pack Claiming]



3 Years
Extra large
Athena I
12-20-2016, 09:08 PM
Breasal was oh so excited as he followed along beside his father as they made their way to the place they were moving to. Kairi was running ahead and he grinned as he hopped forward to catch up with her. His overly large paws tripped him up a bit, but he didn't let that stop him. He wouldn't let Kairi get there without him! When he heard their mother's howl he jumped a little and hurried on right behind his sister. They had to hurry up and get there! Kairi saw the little wolf thing first and between her reaction and their father's Breasal had plenty of reason to be just as bothered. After all he was touching their mom! That wasn't okay!! He planted himself next to his dad, fluffing up his dark, fuzzy puppy fur and bunching up his face in a scowl. "Yeah!" he added onto what his dad said about backing off. He felt really intimidating, but really he just looked like a black and russet-brown fur ball with his fur all fluffed up. That didn't stop him from feeling like he was doing a good job though. He looked up at Zell with a grin, looking to see if his dad had noticed how he was being all protective just like him.

His tail wagged and he trotted over to join Kairi so he could sit next to mom too, plopping down on his rump with a quiet thud. There were so many more wolves here than he had ever seen in his whole life!! Did bunches of wolves always live in packs? He was so excited to meet them all! He gave the nice tan lady that brought his momma a rabbit a big smile, hoping that maybe he would make a good impression. He had no idea who she was, but she seemed really nice! His blue eyes darted every where while he took in all the new scents and sounds and sights. There was so much to do and see here!