
Show Me How To Be Whole Again


12-20-2016, 11:08 PM

Liviana had been thinking of "home" more and more lately. Could she really call it home any more? Was it still home when you willingly abandoned it? She wasn't so sure. A sigh passed her lips as she wandered through Abaven. It was probably high time she start thinking of this place as home. She didn't miss her father and there honestly wasn't too many of her relatives left to miss. But her sister and younger brother, she missed them plenty. She had hoped one or both of them would have felt the same as her and left as well, but if they did they didn't follow her.

The sigh that left her formed a cloud of mist around her muzzle and she lifted her eyes from the ground, her gaze landing on the woman that was sitting a short distance away near the river bank. Livi probably wouldn't have approached her at all, but she happened to notice the slight sparkle of a tear falling from the woman's face. She stopped and hesitated for a moment, considering if she really wanted to butt in or not. After a moment of consideration though she pushed on and made her way over to the speckled woman. After all, it was a distraction from her own thoughts, right?

"Are you okay?" she asked gently, her head tipping a bit so she could peek at the woman's face once she stopped near her. She was standing parallel to the river bank, facing the woman's side. She wouldn't be upset if the woman brushed her off, but she figured she should probably start trying to connect with more pack members or something.

Art by Evelyn