
I could make you want me

Zephyr I


10 Years
12-21-2016, 04:45 PM (This post was last modified: 12-21-2016, 04:47 PM by Zephyr I.)
I could make you want me
Make you need me, make you mine

Zephyr didn't know how to move on after his last encounter with Caelum. It'd been the first time in so damn long that he had felt.. right. It had almost felt like he'd been home, though instead of everything being int he same place, everything had been turned completely upside-down. He'd found himself so overwhelmed that he'd forgot his better judgement and he'd fallen into a trap she probably hadn't even known she had set for him. His mind, of course, kept reeling back to thoughts of how wrong this all was. His past was gone - he'd come to terms with it, or so he thought, some time ago. Unburying all these emotions and thoughts was unprecedented for him and he felt like any progress he'd made toward a more normal life had been erased.

He tried to not think of her for awhile after she'd left. She'd told him she wasn't leaving forever, no, she'd just needed.. what? A break? A moment to think without him bothering her? He couldn't imagine why she needed time to herself, but then again he could relate, he supposed; he'd been too overwhelmed with emotion to think properly that day. He sighed out loud as he wove through the trees, his slackened posture partially revealing his somber thoughts. The fact that he longed for her again made him also feel uncomfortable. He'd gotten used to life without her, and had gotten to the point - eventually - that he could go through the day without thinking of her, of their children, and of that day. Hell, sometimes even weeks passed before the smallest inkling of a memory came to him, but now he couldn't stop thinking about how familiar her touch had been, and how sweet her scent was.

He wanted more.

That was why he was looking for her again. She'd wanted time, and Zephyr had given it to her. She had only specified that she wasn't saying goodbye.. and she hadn't given him any time frame. He did intend to finish their conversation, though he really wasn't sure of the sort of resolution he might get.. if any at all.  His nostrils flared as he continued on, noting how quiet this place was. Though it was the dead of winter, this place was rather comfortable, though he supposed that was likely due to the midday sun beaming down on the treetops. Only small hints of sunlight made it through, casting pale light down on the forest floor. This whole place had an ethereal vibe, which fit his odd mood perfectly.

He'd gotten a decent whiff of her scent some time ago, and he'd been trailing after it ever since. He continued on, surprised at how strong it grew. Surely she was close by now, though he couldn't quite figure out where exactly she was. Hesitantly, he let out a low bark, searching for her.

I could make it holy, make it special
Make it right