
Starving Winter [AW]



9 Years
Extra large
12-21-2016, 09:08 PM (This post was last modified: 12-22-2016, 05:32 PM by Frostbite.)

His stomach twisted and roared, angry with him and empty. He needed to hunt and needed to fill his stomach. He had let himself go to long without food and now that it was winter, food would be more tough to come by since he was alone. The tall male was okay hunting alone, his size making it a bit easier to take down larger prey on his own. He could hunt rabbits easily, but they didn't fill him and he needed a meal that would fill him. A meal that could last a couple of days so that he could find a place to settle for the winter. In the spring he hoped to pick back up on his big search and working on his plans for his large family clan to eventually join him. They needed new lands that they wouldn't be chased from one that they could thrive in and not have to worry about the attack that happened years ago.

Pushing his way up the mountain he took his time, careful that his size wouldn't break the path away and make him fall. The wind was blowing the scents away from him, but something told him that there would be a decent meal closer to the top of this mountain. So he pushed himself up the mountain at a steady pace. The cold didn't bother him much, his fur had really thickened up for winter this year and was providing good protection for him. His focus remained on getting a meal, helping him to continue on. Eyes squeezed to slits trying to keep things from blowing into his eyes.

Soon the man spotted a cave and the large male pushed on. He would take a break and regain his thoughts and make a plan for whatever prey there may be. Once he reached the cave his red eyes spotted another taking shelter within them.

"Afternoon," he called before entering the cave and remaining towards the entrance in case she didn't want to share the cave. "Mind if I share this cave for a small break from the wind?"

"Talk" | 'Think'