
I could make you want me



10 Years
12-21-2016, 09:13 PM
Time. Time was supposed to be a great healer. When things didn't make sense and you needed to get past your problems, you gave it time. Even physical ailments above all else would require time and one's patience to fully heal. Why had time failed Caelum?

When she left their last meeting it was with a heavy heart. Little effort was needed to see that Zephyr had at least somewhat felt as she did. The whole thing had been too much, leaving her stressed beneath the feelings of happiness and the desire to be close to him again. As much as she still cared about him, Caelum wasn't going to let them just slide the tough stuff under the rug. Now if only she could figure things out on her own while she wasn't so distracted by him. She'd been all over the lands she usually hung around in, and had even taken a very very long walk further south. While the walking helped clear her mind a bit she would continue to struggle with how to sort out the things she wanted to speak about. Distractions only lasted for so long too - soon replaced with thoughts of Zephyr and all they had once had, as well as where they could possibly go from here.

The only thing that remained clear in her mind was that she was tired of her own actions. Falling apart, running off when she couldn't handle things, and that crying. Cae tried to convince herself that she wouldn't do any of that next time, going so far as to play things out in her head time and time again until her imaginary self kept her composure for the most part. She didn't know if that would help, but it was all she could do.

Now what?

She'd returned from her wandering several days ago, though her paws still would not cease their movement. It took an embarrassingly long while to realize she was essentially pacing over a very long distance, moving back and forth across the area she frequented. Eventually she had to force herself to stop, finding that she'd ended up in the strange dark woods she'd visited a very long time ago. A hazy mess of moss and fog surrounded her, complete with thin beams of light piercing their way down from the canopy above. Last time she'd been here Cae had gotten herself just a bit lost. Good thing this time the land was a bit more familiar to her.

Relaxing for a bit, she'd lay at the base of a large tree with her paws tucked gently under her, thinking about anything and everything. She hadn't known what she really wanted when she'd last talked with Zeph. Of course she wanted to straighten things out as best they could, and to make him believe that she would not have run away as he thought she had. Cae was pretty sure he still didn't believe her. How to get there was the real mystery. Closing her eyes Cae thought of how nice it was when they were still together, still whole with their family. She wanted that.

Blue eyes opened with a start when she heard a soft bark that could only belong to the man who had such a hold on her mind. He always managed to appear when she couldn't get him out of her mind. It was an odd talent, but one he'd long had ever since they first met years ago. Slowly she'd rise, moving to look to her right and peer around the tree to see him approaching. She'd move with quiet steps, descending the small slope created by the roots of the tree and coming to stand a few feet from him, head tilted slightly and tail giving a single gentle wag.

"Can I assume the answer to my question might be a no? Or at the very least, not completely..." She mused, tone soft but laced with a hint of jest as she referred to the first thing she'd said last time they met.