
Sisterly Love



4 Years
Athena I
12-22-2016, 10:17 PM

Piper tried her best to keep her breathing gentle and shallow so she wouldn't disturb the leaves around her too much with it. The waiting felt like it was taking forever, but the longer she waited the more excited she got. She must have hidden pretty well if Finch didn't find her right away! She barely opened her eyes so she could peek out through the gaps in the leaves, spotting her sister's pale form in the distance. Oh there she was!! Piper quickly closed her eyes again and bit back a giggle. Oh this was too much fun. She wished she got to play games like this more often!

She listened as Finch's paw steps got closer, biting her cheek to keep herself from laughing at Finch's words. Finch had to know where she was by now, but Piper wouldn't move just in case she didn't! After a few moments it got quiet again and Piper thought for a second she had gotten away with it, but nope! She squealed with laughter when her sister pounced on top of her, almost landing square on her back. A huge grin crossed her muzzle and she wriggled out from under Finch and all the leaves she had covered herself in, hopping out into the open and spinning around to drop down into a play bow in front of Finch, her tail wagging wildly in the air. "You got me!" she called with another bout of giggles.

She was still a mess with her fur clumped and sticking in all directions from the mud and the pieces of dried leaves stuck all over her. She didn't care though, she was having too much fun. "Did I do good? Did I, did I, did I?!" she questioned excitedly, hopping up onto all fours again and spinning in a circle before she stopped and grinned at Finch again. She knew she probably looked like a crazy wolf, but that was okay!

"Talk" "You" Think