
Please recognize I'm trying, babe



5 Years
12-23-2016, 02:07 PM (This post was last modified: 01-07-2017, 11:44 PM by Lior.)
Lior listened as Zuriel explained what needed to be told to her brother. For a moment when a male was mentioned the grey woman felt her heart flutter at the prospect of outside love, something perhaps forbidden in the pack over yonder and grew ever curious. But the other wolf was looking away as she spoke further of pregnancy. And of rape. All at once Lior's whole body tensed and she inhaled sharply as the thoughts and memories of her own ordeal came crashing back into existence. She remembered the cave, the feeling of fangs holding her neck and doing what she must to survive day after day until it had at last ended. Broken toes hadn't stopped her from carrying her all the way back to her family and for the better part of a year remained a shivering wreck that dealt with nightmares every time she closed her eyes as her siblings cared for her.

Zuriel went on about pups and fears and Lior could only nod with welling eyes. The pack wolf trailed off and with a dash forward the grey woman wrapped her neck around the one who knew what it was like. "Tell him. Tell everyone. The man who took me never stopped." Lior hushed against Zuriel's ear. She herself was trying not to cry as the seething angry fought the sorrow of old memories bullying their way into light again after being forgotten. Sure she had mused about them this day, but it was the clarity of the recollections as Zuriel brought up what was nagging her that finally tipped everything on its head for Lior.

"I know what it's like Zuriel and don't be sorry. Don't make the same mistakes I did and keep it hidden and pretend it didn't happen. Wolves fight together. You have a whole pack to help and this male, who may fight bears and mountain lions, stupidly fought them alone." A vengeful grin, as much directed at the thought of her rapist, creased her lips at the justice she wanted Zuriel to have from all of this. Lior broke away and sat on her haunches with a shuffle of her paws. "I'm sorry. It's just everything came back for me and I didn't want you to go to the place my thoughts took me." Lior tipped her head back and swallowed as she listened to the avian flocks calling all around them. It was her hope that Zuriel would tell the right wolves of what happened.

[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]