
Losing My Religon


06-22-2013, 03:58 PM

He didn't leave to explore, he didn't vanish without telling anyone where he was going, he obeyed his parents absolutely perfectly and if at all possible the young lad had grown even more quiet and reserved. Since that rather ferocious outburst, he had never raised his tone and had barely spoken at all besides a soft. 'yes mom' or 'sure papa' he was polite and respectful when spoken too and even to his siblings he had spoken on and off with. Nothing of substantial value, most spoke to him in passing little more and little less, it seemed they had finally figured out he would never play their games.

He remained within Valhalla's borders, had been for the past several weeks. he returned to his parents den at a reasonable time and answered any of their questions. he had expected his mom or possibly his dad to sit down with him, really talk.... but neither had and he couldn't decide if he was disappointed or not. he didn't want to talk about it, but he did. It was odd this confliction. As long as he played the perfect gent, the kind elder sibling and the good son, he couldn't hurt them anymore right?

With a huff he collapsed, gangly body sprawling out in the thick snow. his maw rested on the very edge of the lake, the ice chilling the pup, making him shiver. It was a good cold, one that reminded him of a lot of things. He smiled if only slightly, he didn't have much faith in his mothers words and already they began to slip from his brain, it seemed like all they wished to do was push his little episode to the past and forget it ever happened and he supposed he could pretend too when he was with them. He didn't want to worry them, he didn't want to make them sad. He loved his family despite what they thought about him.